Monday, October 20, 2008


So gramma was here this weekend to visit before she heads down to fl for the winter...and she brought us a treat!! her lefse making kit!! we had a crash course in lefse making so we can make a few batches for the holidays....

the balls of potato dough
flour and roll....
fry, bubble, & flip....
place in the cozy for a little while....
add butter & sugar to the warm, fresh lefse...

and enjoy the yummy goodness.....yummmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!

nertz is going to share this batch with her class...she is doing a school project on norway.


jarispry said...

awesome! and it looks like it was a family affair! can't beat that!


calvin & hobbs said...

looks yummy, never tried it but it looks GOOD!!! lots of family memories being made, LOVE IT!!!